
November-December 2017 Newsletter

We are excited to announce that the Khaki Foundation just gave the Health Tanzania Foundation a grant to expand our program that trains volunteers from the churches, mosques, and community. The volunteers identify widows, orphans, and unmarried children with children and get them into preventive and medical care. The grant also expands the Ukombozi (Saver) program, which mobilizes all community members to fight alcohol

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August-September 2017 Newsletter

Henry was in Tanzania with our Tanzanian partners in September. Despite your much-needed donations for an anesthesia machine and other equipment, we still need some equipment and supplies to be able to begin doing C-sections. The Tanzanian government team inspected us again earlier in the summer and has further recommendations that still need to be addressed before we can start doing any surgery. We

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Health leadership transition

At Buguruni Anglican Health Centre, Raphael Barua, John Obondo, and Dr. Bahati Maxwell are taking over the leadership from Dr. Simon Walton, our British missionary and health director who is returning to England. Dr. Simon Walton has done a great job strengthening and stabilizing the health and hospital programs in Buguruni. His management, planning, and computer skills have been vital. Simon’s daughter Grace (pictured with a young Tanzanian) hopes

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